Advanced English Grammar: Infinitive and Subjunctive Mood
Infinitive adalah bentuk asal kata kerja dan bisa ditulis dengan atau tanpa kata tambahan “to.” Dengan kata tambahan to, ia biasanya disebut sebagai full infinitive atau infinitive with to. Tanpa to, ia biasanya disebut sebagai infinitive without to atau bare infinitive.
Infinitive dipakai:
- Sebagai subject kalimat;
- Pelengkap kata kerja yang mendahuluinya (dengan atau tanpa to)
- Untuk menunjukkan maksud
- Perintah, ajakan, undangan, permohonan (dalam imperative mood)
- Harapan, kalau-kalau, kemungkinan, saran (dalam subjunctive mood)
- Passive voice, disebut sebagai passive present infinitive atau passive infinitive;
- Menunjukkan perbuatan lampau yang mungkin telah terjadi (dalam bentuk: may/must + perfect infinitive)
- Forms
- Present infinitive: (to) build, (to) be
- Forms
- The king will build a new school next year.
- The king has*** to build a new school next year.
- The king wants to build a new school next year.
- The king will be 50 years old next year.
- The king has*** to be intelligent.
- Present Continuous infinitive: (to) be building, (to) be being
- The king will be building a new school next year.
- The king has to be building ….(rare)
- The king wants to be building …. (rare)
- The king will be being watched by his people …. (rare)
- The king has*** to be being intelligent …. (rare)
- Perfect infinitive: (to) have built, (to) have been
- The king will have built a new school next year.
- The king has*** to have built …. (rare)
- The king wants to have built ….
- The king will have been 50 years old next year.
- The king has*** to have been intelligent next year.
- Perfect Continuous infinitive: (to) have been building, (to) have been being
- The king will have been building a new school next year.
- The king has*** to have been building …. (rare)
- The king wants to have been building …. (rare)
- The king will have been being intelligent next year. (rare)
- The king has*** to have been being intelligent…. (rare)
- Passive present infinitive: (to) be built
- The king will want a new school to be built next year.
- The king has*** to have** a new school built next year.
- After an object, the causative verbs have/has/had** (menyuruh) and get/gets/got can’t be followed by a passive present infinitive but a passive past participle. So, the verb “built” is not called a passive present infinitive but a passive past participle.
- After an object, in informal English the verb want/wants/wanted/to have wanted can also be followed by a passive past participle.
So, we can also say:
- The king will want a new school built next year.
- The king wants a new school built next year.
- A new school has*** to be built next year.
- Ardern bristles at the suggestion she’s too inexperienced to be handed the keys to the economy. (Bloomberg)
Notes: a to-infinitive can be a passive present infinitive, or called as a passive infinitive.
- I don’t know what to do with him now.
instead of I don’t know what to be done with him now.
- There is nothing else to discuss now.
Instead of There is nothing else to be discussed now.
- There are a lot of problems to solve today.
Instead of There are a lot of problems to be solved today.
- The last great frontier for international asset managers may prove the toughest yet to conquer. (Bloomberg)
Instead of The last great frontier for international asset managers may prove the toughest yet to conquer. (Bloomberg)
- The country has* a lot of money to spend today.
Instead of The country has a lot of money to be spent today.
- He doesn’t have* anything to do now.
- The mongoose doesn’t have* anything to worry about when fighting a snake.
Instead of The mongoose doesn’t have anything to be worried about when fighting a snake.
- He is a creep and a danger and unpleasant to look at, but at least he’s not a stunning hypocrite.
Instead of He is creep and a danger and unpleasant to be looked at ….
- * the full verb have (memiliki)
- *** the auxiliary verb have to (harus)
- Passive present perfect: (to) have been built
- The king will want a new school to have been built next year.
- The king has to have a new school have been built next year. (rare)
- The king wants a new school to have been built next year.
- Translate the following questions into Indonesian.
- Would there be no Japanese superpower if it had not been for a number of cultural factors that literally made the Japanese a superior people?
- When did the country first begin to import handicraft technology from Korea and China?
- Why were they were unable to apply their traditional quality standards?
- What did the engineers resolve to introduce to Japan?
- How many American statistical control experts were invited to lecture in Japan?
- Which system imbued ordinary Japanese with what may well have been the highest quality standards in the world?
- What did the engineers wed with their master-apprentice approach to engineer and produce a stream of high-quality products that took the world by
- Identify the infinitive form or forms, if any, in each of the following questions
- What does Japan owe its rise to superpower status to?
- What has Japan owed its rise to the status to?
- What doesn’t Japan owe its rise to the status to?
- What will Japan owe its rise to superpower status to?
- What will Japan have owed its rise to the status to?
- Do you owe anything to your business success?
- Do you owe anyone to your success in business?
- Who will you owe your success in English study to?
- How much help did they get from the huge and open American and European markets?
- How much help had they got from the European markets?
- How much help will they have got from the American markets in the next ten years?
- What literally made Japan a superior people?
- Did cultural factors literally made them a superior people?
- What was the primary pillar of their economic edifice?
- What had literally made Japan a superior people?
- What was one of the cultural factors that became a primary pillar of their economic edifice?
- Who were increasingly exposed to arts and crafts that were made by masters?
- What gradually raised the level of the quality of everything made in Japan?
- What was repeated following the end of World War II?
- When did the Japanese adopt the ancient Chinese custom of using the master-apprentice approach?
- Who was followed by Mr Juran in 1954 to lecture in Japan?
- Who did Mr Juran follow in 1954?
2.2 Usage of the present infinitive
2.2.1 sebagai subject dalam bentuk present infinitive dengan to, yang juga disebut sebagai full infinitive
- To err is human.
- To be giving is to be humane.
- To be successful, work hard, and when things get tough, work harder.
- menunjukkan maksud atau tujuan
- Our primary plan has so far been to protect the country’s computer networks from enemy hacking.
- Part of his personal strategy is to save enough money for rainy days.
- The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.
- The firm’s next move is to disrupt the traditional Hollywood business model.
- The measures to ease foreign investment came after …. (Reuters)
Catatan: kata kerja “is” di perkataan “is to save,” “is to realize,” dan “is to disrupt” BUKAN KATA KERJA BANTU “TO BE TO” yang berarti “harus,” atau “akan.” Lihat XXVI: THE AUXILIARY VERB TO BE TO
- Bare infinitive in the imperative mood: command, request, order, or invitation
- Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice.
- Don’t tell me how hard you work, but how much you get done.
- Have the courage to live your life, not the one imagined for you by well-intentional parents or other authority figures. (You will know what’s best.)
- Never have partners.
- Seize the day.
- Each day is a treasure, so treasure each day.
- Place your trust in life’s processes, and let life run its course. (In time it will become apparent.)
- Keep the faith.
- Keep your dream alive by keeping your faith – be reborn like a phoenix rising.
- Don’t play the blame-shame game – just prove your critics wrong.
2.2.4 with or without to after these four verbs: help, let, make, bid
- Let another clansman
Gone forth in the Dispensation
Keep, as did the elder Mitta,
Perfect faculty restraint. (Visuddhimagga, p. 40)
- Let him not be hungry-eyed,
Like a monkey in the groves,
Like a wild deer in the woods,
Like a nervous little child,
Let him go with eyes downcast. (Visuddhimagga, p. 38)
- They face difficulties and dangers of the most perilous nature and were equipped in a manner which would make a modern climber shudder at the thought.
- The teacher bade him stay in his room last night. (rare)
2,2.5 with to
After: decide, intend, learn, look, pay, plan, seem, want, wish,
- Steve Jobs decided to drop out of college while he was freshman.
- If you want to live your life in a creative way, you have to not look back too much.
- When business is good, it pays to advertise.
- Think like an artist to create great works of art that people will want to own and that will also stand the test of time.
2.2.6 Bare infinitive as a subjunctive verb* of reported speech when the main clause has a of suggestion and emphasis: advise, demand, recommend, suggest, insist, wish
- yang menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau keadaan (tidak sebagai fakta tetapi) sebagai bersifat kalau-kalau atau mungkin.
Formal in British English and common in American English
- The foreign chief negotiator suggested that we break for an hour.
Common in British English: … suggested that we should break for an hour.
- The manager insisted that we eat dinner for free here.
Common in British English: …. Insisted that we eat dinner for free here.
- She looked at him and asked,’I can’t insist she leave, can I?’
- He suggested that she get into bed and sleep.
- Kathy recommended that they rest for a few hours before they have to prepare for the match.
- The chief negotiator recommended that he carry on with the project.
- The translator suggested that they break for one hour.
- The boss demanded that they go there by train.
2.2.7 Bare infinitive or present participle after verbs of the senses: feel, hear, look at, see, smell, taste, watch
Active Voice:
- She didn’t feel the boy touch (or touching) her just now.
- Can you help me watch them working (or work) tonight?
- Which of you saw him walking (or walk) outside this room?
- Nobody smelled the warehouse burning (or burn) this morning.
- After seeing an apple falling perpendicularly to the ground in 1666, Isaac Newton reasoned that, in a friend’s telling,” there must be a drawing power in matter.” (National Geographic, May 2017)
Passive Voice:
- A lot of the consultants can be seen sitting around the lounge in the World Hotel.
- The images showed a full-scale mock-up of the superstructure of a warship being erected at the naval electornic testing range in Wuhan.
- Infinitive with to or gerund after begin, cease, continue, commence, start
- As the evidence began to accumulate (or began accumulating), the zoo felt obliged to investigate.
- Japan first began to import (or began importing) handicraft technology and artisans from Korea and China.
- The country began producing (or began to produce) Western products, generally under the direction of foreign importers.
- No one wanted to continue training (or to continue to train) in the martial arts without him.
- Business process outsourcing will continue to prosper (or continue prospering) here as long as there’s government support.” (Bloomberg)
- They are beginning to think about the consequences of traveling to the mountains.
- Passive infinitive after an object
- Do you have a lot of things to do today?
- I don’t think they will have anything to do tomorrow.
- The meeting doesn’t have anything else to discuss with them.
- The client will meet us with some urgent problems to solve.
- She believed the project would take years to implement.
- Jacinda Ardern noticed that some kids came to school without shoes on their feet or anything to eat for lunch. (Bloomberg)
- Bare Infinitive as a subjunctive verb dalam direct speech (kalimat langsung)
- as a hope
God save the Queen!
God bless America!
God bless you!
Long live!
We wish you a happy birthday!
- after a modal auxiliary
May you be happy!
May you have a nice sleep!
2.4.1 Lihat 2.2.6
2.4.2 Lihat 2.3.2
Sumber: Buku yang segera terbit “Jadilah Penerjemah Profesional, oleh Tjan Sie Tek, M.Sc., Penerjemah1978 Tersumpah1997
Dua Prinsip Penerjemahan Profesional
Dua Prinsip Penerjemahan yang Profesional:
- Tepat menurut tata bahasa, arti, informasi & referensi; dan
2. Jelas dan mudah dipahami.
Jadi, proses penerjemahan sebaiknya dibagi menjadi dua tahapan:
- Terjemahkan naskah sumber secara tepat menurut Prinsip 1.
Penerjemah sebaiknya mampu menjelaskan setiap kata, ungkapan dan kalimat yang ia terjemahkan berdasarkan tata bahasa, arti, informasi dan referensi.
- Periksa naskah terjemahan untuk memastikan tingkat kejelasan dan keluwesannya.
Jika penerjemah tidak memegang teguh dua prinsip tersebut, ia akan membahayakan hal-hal yang ia terjemahkan dan menyesatkan para pembaca atau pendengarnya. Ia tidak menyampaikan gagasan dan informasi penulis naskah sumber melainkan menulis ide-idenya sendiri karena gagasan dan informasi tersebut hilang dalam terjemahannya sehingga menyesatkan para para pembaca dan pendengarnya.
Asli Inggris | Terjemahan oleh orang lain | Oleh Tjan Sie Tek |
Acknowledgements A book is a team effort, and1 these are the people who helped me get the ball to the end zone2: my literary agent, Scott Mendel, who challenged me to write another book on SJJ; my wife, Mary, who was my sounding board3 on this project2; …. | Ucapan terima Kasih Suatu buku adalah hasil kerja tim, dan1 berikut ini orang-orang yang membantu saya mewujudkannya2: agen pustaka saya, Scott Mendel, yang menantang saya menulis satu lagi mengenai SJJ; istri saya, Mary, yang menjadi sumber masukan utama saya3 dalam proyek ini2; …. 1) koreksi: dalam bahasa Indonesia, kata penghubung (conjunction) tidak boleh didahului tanda baca koma (,) 3) spekulasi arti | Ucapan terima Kasih Buku adalah hasil kerja tim dan1 berikut ini adalah yang telah membantu saya mencapai tujuan2: perwakilan pustaka saya, Scott Mendell, yang menantang saya untuk menulis sebuah buku lagi tentang SJJ; isteri saya, Mary, yang merupakan teman diskusi saya3 tentang proyek ini2; …. Ungkapan sepak bola Amerika Serikat: to get the ball to the end zone= membawa bola untuk mencapai bidang gol.sounding board: orang yang mendengarkan pendapat dan/atau memberikan pendapat |
The unconventional keynote speaker, dressed in the traditional black robe and cardinal-colour hood, wore sandals and blue jeans underneath4. | Sang pembicara utama yang tak biasa mengenakan jubah hitam tradisional berkerah tua, juga sandal dan jeans biru di bawahnya4. 4) spekulasi arti a.Robe= (i) jubah (misalnya jubbah bhikshu agama Buddha; jubah raja); (ii) toga= baju wisuda; b. hood= (i) kap mobil; (ii) tudung; (iii) buaya darat | Sang pembicara utama yang tidak biasa itu mengenakan toga hitam tradisional dengan tudung yang berwarna merah cerah, sandal dan celana jeans biru4. 4) (i) toga= jubah/baju wisuda; (ii) hood= tudung, kerudung; (iii) cardinal= merah cerah; (iv) kata “underneath” berarti “di bawah,” yang dalam konteks ini berarti “di bawah toga;” |
Pentingnya penerjemah Inggris-Indonesia menguasai tata bahasa kedua bahasa
- Pendahuluan
Contoh: Kesalahan pemakaian kata penghubung ganda dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia
Asli naskah Inggris (Teks Sumber; TSu) | Terjemahan oleh Orang Lain (Teks Sasaran; TSa) | Koreksi oleh Tjan |
As1 we practice refraining from angry actions and angry speech, then1 this4 gross2 and unwholesome3 mental state may5 gradually cease to arise6, or at least it will7 become weaker and less frequent8. 1.Kata penghubung ganda (double consonant): as dan then, yang merupakan salah satu kesalahan umum oleh penutur asli bahasa Inggris. 3)unwholesome: akusala | Ketika1 kita berlatih menahan diri dari tindakan dan ucapan yang disertai kemarahan, maka1 keadaan mental yang kotor2 serta tidak baik3 ini4 secara berangsur-angsur lenyap6, atau paling tidak menjadi7 lemah dan jarang muncul8. 1.Kata penghubung ganda (double consonant): Ketika dan maka, yang merupakan salah satu kesalahan umum oleh penutur asli Indonesia, mengikuti kesalahan umum penutur asli Bahasa Inggris. | Selama1 kita berlatih menahan diri dari tindakan amarah dan perkataan amarah, keadaan mental yang sangat kasar2 dan akusala3 itu4 dapat5 berangsur-angsur berhenti timbul6, atau paling tidak akanmenjadi7 lebih lemah dan lebih jarang8. 1 Kata “selama” berarti suatu “masa,” atau waktu yang panjang atau cukup panjang; kata “ketika” berarti “saat”, atau waktu yang pendek; 2) gross: i) kotor (lawan kata untuk “bersih” dalam akuntansi dan ekonomi); ii) sangat kasar (blatant; vulgar); iii) besar: gross negligence= kealpaan besar; 3)unwholesome: akusala, sebuah polisemi: buruk; jahat; merugikan; tidak menimbulkan kesehatan atau kesejahteraan moral; kata lawan untuk kusala; 4) itu adalah contoh anafora bahasa Indpnesia, yang menunjukkan sesuatu yang baru saja disebutkan, ditulis atau diucapkan oleh penutur atau penulis yang sama. Padanan bahasa Inggris-nya adalah this. 5) may (dapat) menunjukkan suatu kemungkinan atau kemampuan; 6) cease to stop= berhenti muncul, sebagaimana maksud penulis TSu, bukan “menghilang,” yang bahasa Inggris-nya adalah “disappeared” (bentuk lampau dari “disappear”). “berhenti muncul” bisa berarti “diam,” “tidur,” “bersembunyi” dll. 7) will become weaker= akan menjadi lebih lemah; 8) less frequent= kurang sering, yang berbeda dari jarang atau jarang muncul. |
Sumber: Buku yang segera terbit “Jadilah Penerjemah Profesional,” oleh Tjan Sie Sie Tek, M.Sc., Penerjemah1978 Tersumpah1997
Jadilah Penerjemah profesional
Menjadi penerjemah profesional adalah tujuan yang luhur.
Silakan kunjungi: (1); (2)
Tata Bahasa Inggris Lanjut: Modal Auxiliary
- Daftar modal auxiliary
can | may | must | shall | will |
could | might | ought to | should | would |
- Definition
Modal auxiliaries, modal auxiliary verbs, atau kadang-kadang disebut juga sebagai modal verbs, biasanya disingkat menjadi modals, bentuk tunggalnya: modal, adalah kata-kata bantu yang kita pakai jika kita ingin menunjukkan sikap (perasaan/mood) terhadap apa yang kita ucapkan atau ketika kita prihatin tentang dampak perkataan kita terhadap orang yang sedang bicara dengan kita atau yang sedang kita kirimi surat.
Selain itu, modal dipakai untuk menyatakan pendapat, misalnya menolak atau menyetujui sebuah dalil, rencana atau usul.
Kesulitan pemakaian modal: hampir semua modal memiliki lebih daripada satu arti.
Para lawyer, interpreter, pengusaha dan calon peserta uji TOEFL, TOEIC dan IELTS sebaiknya benar-benar menguasai pemakaian dan manfaat modal karena modal umumnya mengungkapkan mood/sikap/perkiraan/keraguan penuturnya.
Para penerjemah novel, film, drama dan pidato juga demikian.
Penerjemah sebaiknya lebih menekankan informasi daripada arti terjemahannya.
- can: (i) menunjukkan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang umum maupun tertentu serta kepercayaan pada saat ini, (ii) mengungkapkan kesadaran atau pengetahuan lewat panca indra, atau kesimpulan yang logis saat ini; (iii) membicarakan kebenaran umum; (iv) minta ijin atau bantuan; (v) memberikan ijin pada saat ini; (vi) menawarkan bantuan pada saat ini.
- He can lift the big rock alone. (kemampuan umum)
- Some people can run faster than others. (kemampuan khusus)
- Can I join the meeting? (minta ijin)
- He can join our meeting. (memberikan ijin)
- Can you help me? (minta bantuan)
- This can be the right answer to his question. (kesimpulan yang logis)
- Can I help you? (Menawarkan bantuan)
- Some birds can fly high in the sky. (kebenaran umum)
(a) could dipakai untuk (i) menunjukkan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang umum maupun tertentu serta kepercayaan di masa lampau, dan (ii) mengungkapkan kesadaran atau pengetahuan lewat panca indra, atau kesimpulan yang logis di masa lampau
- When I was younger, I could lift any weight of up to 50 kgs.
- He could read small lettering well without the help of eye-glasses when he was younger.
- The money could be enough to settle all his debts last week.
- Until last month my mother could barely walk.
(b) could lebih formal daripada can ketika memberikan atau minta ijin, atau minta atau menawarkan bantuan
(i) Could I join the meeting? (minta ijin)
- He could join our meeting. (memberikan ijin)
- Could you help me? (minta bantuan)
- Could I help you? (menawarkan bantuan)
© can tidak boleh dipakai untuk (i) menunjukkan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang umum maupun tertentu serta kepercayaan di masa depan, dan (ii) mengungkapkan kesadaran atau pengetahuan lewat panca indra, atau kesimpulan yang logis di masa depan.
Sebagai penggantinya, kita boleh memakai be able to atau be possible to.
- He will be able to lift the big rock alone if he practices weight-lifting hard, atau
It will be possible for him to lift the big rock alone if he practices weight-lifting hard.
- Some athletes will be able to run faster than others after a lot of exercises, atau
It will be possible for some athletes to run faster than others after a lot of exercises.
d. subject + can (past tense: could) juga dipakai untuk mengungkapkan (i) kemungkinan umum ketika berarti “it is possible,” yang berarti keadaan memungkinkan; dan (ii) kemungkinan sesekali. Jadi, hal itu sangat berbeda dari informasi yang diungkapkan oleh “may” yang menunjukkan keraguan si penutur.
- You can ski on the hills. (karena ada cukup salju)
Setara dengan: It is possible for you/everyone to ski on the hills, atau
It si possible that you/everyone ski on the hills.
Arti:: Bisa bagi anda/setiap orang untuk main ski di perbukitan itu, atau
Anda/setiap orang bisa main ski di perbukitan itu.
Informasi: Setiap orang bisa main ski di perbukitan itu.
- You can travel to the country. (karena ada cukup uang, atau negeri itu aman)
Setara dengan: It is possible for you to travel to the country.
Arti: Anda bisa berjalan-jalan ke negeri itu.
Informasi: Setiap orang bisa berjalan-jalan ke negeri itu.
- Malaria can be dangerous. (kemungkinan sesekali)
Setara dengan: It is possible for malaria to be dangerous.
Arti: Malaria bisa berbahaya.
Informasi: Kadang-kadang malaria berbahaya.
Informasi: Malaria tidak selalu berbahaya.
Selain itu, can (past tense: could) juga dipakai untuk mengungkapkan fakta-fakta yang umumnya benar, terutama ketika fakta-fakta itu terkait dengan sesuatu atau seseorang yang mampu menimbulkan dampak, atau berperilaku secara tertentu.
e. can juga dipakai dalam membentuk combination adjective, misalnya can-do, yang berarti “yakin mampu melakukan segala-galanya.”
- Indonesia’s can-do generation will be the engine of growth.
- May/might: untuk (i) menunjukkan keraguan atau perkiraan tentang terjadi atau adanya sesuatu atau seseorang, atau kepastian di bawah 50% tentang hal tersebut, sekarang, masa lampau atau mendatang, sehingga terjemahannya adalah mungkin, (ii) minta atau menawarkan ijin.
- He is outside the room now. (pasti; fakta)
- He may/might be outside the room now. (kemungkinan atau keraguan sekarang)
- It rains hard almost every day here now. (pasti; fakta; kebiasaan)
- It may/might rain hard. (perkiraan tentang kejadian mendatang)
- Cultural factors have made the Japanese a superior people. (pasti; fakta)
- Cultural factors may have made the Japanese a superior people. (kemungkinan atau perkiraan kejadian masa lampau dalam direct speech)
- The cultural expert said that cultural factors had made the Japanese a superior people. (pasti, fakta)
- The cultural expert said that cultural factors might have made the Japanese a superior people. (kemungkinan atau perkiraan kejadian masa lampau dalam indirect speech atau reported speech)
- May I come in? (minta ijin; lebih formal daripada can dan could)
- Might I come in? (minta ijin, lebih formal daripada may; sekarang jarang dipakai karena dianggap kuno dan digantikan oleh could: Could I come in?)
- …. never forget that every single organic being around us may/might be said to be striving to the utmost to increase in number …. (The Origin of Species, p. 53)
- The face of Nature may/might be compared to a yielding surface, with ten thousand sharp wedges packed close together and driven inwards by incessant blows, sometimes one wedge being struck, and then another with grater force. (p. 53)
Tetapi, might harus dipakai di reported speech dan conditional statement jika pernyataan yang bersangkutan dimulai dengan sebuah past tense.
Mary said John might come here. (reported speech)
If we invited him, John might come here. (conditional)
Catatan: may juga punya arti yang setara dengan possibly, yang menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada kepastian di bawah 50% bahwa sesuatu akan terjadi. Jadi, may sebenarnya menunjukkan keraguan si penutur. Might bahkan lebih lebih meragukan. Karena itu, dalam percakapan, keraguan dapat ditingkatkan dengan menekankan kata may/might. Dalam tulisan, tanda baca ‘ persis di belakang may atau might.
- The bank ‘may lend John the money (dengan tekanan yang kuat pada may) berarti bahwa bank itu sangat tidak mungkin meminjami John uang.
- The bank ‘might lend John the money (tekanan yang kuat pada might) berarti bahwa bank itu sama sekali tidak mungkin meminjami John uang.
Catatan: Untuk menunjukkan kepastian di atas 50%, kita pakai kata probable kalau adjective, atau probably jika adverb. Untuk sesuatu yang sangat mungkin (>70%), kita pakai kata likely. Tetapi, probable, probably, dan likely bukan modal.
(i)The wages of labour, therefore, are likely to be higher in manufacturers of the former, than in those of the latter kind. (The Wealth of Nations, p. 132)
Untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan yang lebih besar, kita bisa pakai gabungan dua kata: may well (sangat/benar-benar mungkin= fairly likely), tetapi tetap berkepastian di bawah likely.
(i)The wages of labour may, therefore, well be higher in manufacturers of the former, than in those of the latter kind.
Beda arti dan informasi antara:
- may/might dan can:
– May/might menunjukkan keraguan, atau kepastian di bawah 50% saat ini, masa lampau atau mendatang;
– Can menunjukkan kemampuan saat ini.
- He may be outside the room now.
Arti: Dia mungkin ada/berada di luar ruangan sekarang.
Informasi: Ada kepastian di bawah 50% orang itu ada di luar ruangan sekarang.
Kalimat Inggrisnya bisa digantikan dengan:
Perhaps he is outside the room now, dengan arti dan informasi yang sama.
Jika pasti atau fakta: He is outside the room now.
- He can be outside the room now.
Arti: Ia mampu/bisa ada/berada di luar ruangan sekarang tetapi dia tidak di luar ruangan sekarang.
Informasi: Orang itu mempunyai kemampuan untuk ada di luar ruangan sekarang jika perlu atau diminta, tetapi ia belum di luar ruangan.
Kalimat Inggrisnya bisa digantikan dengan:
- – He is able to be outside the room now.
- Rising interest rates may squeeze factories in the coming months.
Arti: Suku-suku bunga yang sedang naik mungkin akan mencekik pabrik-pabrik pada bulan-bulan yang mendatang.
Informasi: Ada kepastian bawah 50% bahwa suku-suku bunga yang sedang naik akan mencekik pabrik-pabrik ….
Kalimat Inggrisnya bisa diganti dengan:
Perhaps rising interest rates will squeeze factories in the coming months.
Catatan: Dalam bidang formal, misalnya surat perjanjian atau kontrak yang resmi, can tidak dipakai karena dianggap informal sehingga digantikan dengan kata be able to ketika berarti bisa/mampu, atau may ketika berartiboleh/diijinkan/dapat. Tetapi, bentuk negatifnya, yaitu cannot, kadang-kadang dipakai. Selain itu, dalam konteks lain, may bisa berarti mungkin ketika menunjukkan kepastian bawah 50%.
- Either of the Parties hereto may terminate this Agreement on any early date.
- Confidential information shall mean any information on the business, financial or other affairs of the Company which may from time to time be delivered, divudlegd, disclosed, improted or otherwise communicated by or on behalf of the Company to the Distributor.
- may dan might dan could: may sedikit lebih formal daripada might dan could ketika kita berkata bahwa ada suatu kepastian bawah 50% sesuatu sedang berlangsung saat ini atau merupakan fakta.
- He may/might/could be outside the room now.
- The country may/might/could start exporting quality rice next year.
Untuk menambah tingkat kepastian, kita tambahkan kata well sesudah may/might/could.
- He may/might/could well be outside the room now.
- The country may/might/could well start exporting quality rice next year.
- China could well be on its way to the launch of its most significant commodity futures as the Shganghai Futures Exchange has vetted applications from brokerages to conduct crude oil futures business. (Bloomberg).
- A number of cultural factors may/might/could well have made the Japanese a superior people.
Perkataan may well, might well, atau could well setara dengan “fairly likely.”
Implikasi pada terjemahan
- This system imbued ordinary Japanese with what may well have become the highest quality standards in the world.
-Sistem itu mengilhami orang Jepang biasa dengan apa yang mungkin benar-benar telah menjadi standar-standar mutu yang tertinggi di dunia, atau
– Sistem itu … dengan apa yang mungkin benar-benar telah menjadi standar-standar mutu yang tertinggi di dunia.
Dengan pengertian bahwa perkataan “may well have made” menunjukkan sesuatu yang mungkin benar-benar telah terjadi di masa lampau.
Karena itu, kalimat Inggrisnya bisa diganti menjadi:
– This system imbued ordinary Japanese with what had fairly likely become the highest quality standards in the world, atau
– This system … with what was fairly likely to become the highest quality standards in the world.
Kata probable, atau bentuk adverb-nya, yaitu probably, bisa dipakai untuk menunjukkan kemungkinan sampai dengan 70%. Kata likely dipakai untuk menunjukkan kepastian atas 70%. Dalam standard British English, kata likely bisanya ditambahi kata more atau most di depannya, juga dengan mengubah susunan katanya. Dalam North American English, tidak biasa.
- North American English:
He is likely outside the room now, atau
He is likely to be outside the room now, atau
It is likely that he is outside the room now.
Dalam British English:
He is more/most likely outside the room now, atau
He is more/most likely to be outside the room now, atau
It is more/most likely that he is outside the room now.
- It is likely for the country to start exporting quality rice next year.
- It is more/most likely for him to be outside the room now.
Catatan lebih lanjut tentang likely:
- Diperlakukan sebagai adjective ketika menunjukkan seseorang atau sesuatu (i) kelihatan pasti; (ii) terlihat seperti kebenaran, fakta atau kepastian, (iii) terlihat memenuhi persyaratan atau perkiraan, atau kelihatan cocok; (iv) memperlihatkan harapan prestasi atau keunggulan; menimbulkan harapan.
- A likely candidate= calon yang mungkin menang, atau calon yang cocok
- He is likely to succeed in his endeavor= Dia kelihatan akan berhasil dalam upayanya.
- A fine, likely young man= pria muda yang sangat terhormat dan menimbulkan harapan
- A likely story= cerita yang mungkin benar
- An unlikely outcome= suatu hasil yang tidak mungkin terjadi
- Diperlakukan sebagai adverb ketika menunjukkan kemungkinan (probability) sesuatu akan terjadi sampai 70%. Kamus Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OALD) menyatakan bahwa dalam (i) Standard British English, likely tidak biasa berdiri sendiri dan harus dipakai bersama-sama dengan qualifier very, more atau most; (ii) dalam informal North American English, likely sering berdiri sendiri. Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary (WED) menyatakan bahwa penambahan qualifier tidak harus.
- We will most likely see him later. (OALD)
- He said that he would likely run for President. (OALD)
- It will likely be a bitter debate. (WED)
- The shipment will likely arrive on Thursday. (WED)
Tetapi, para ahli grammar lebih menyukai likely sebagai adjective.
Dalam banyak hal, modals tidak dipakai untuk menyebutkan fakta.
Beda antara fakta dan kemungkinan, kesimpulan, pendapat dll
- She is 25 years old. (fakta)
She will be 25 years old next year. (fakta yang akan timbul)
She must be 25 years old. (pendapat/kesimpulan)
= She is most probably 25 years old, atau
She is certainly 25 years old.
She may be 25 years old. (kemungkinan)
= Perhaps she is 25 years old.
She might be 25 years old. (keraguan meningkat)
= Probably she is 25 years old.
- John came here. (fakta)
John may/might come here. (kemungkinan)
= Perhaps he comes there.
Dalam advanced English, secara umum, modals dipakai sebagai berikut:
1.3.1 tentang informasi, dalil, rencana
untuk menunjukkan tingkat kepastian (mungkin, sangat mungkin, pasti) anda tentang ketepatan atau kebenaran perkataan kita: sedikit mungkin, mungkin, sangat mungkin, atau pasti
- In such places, therefore, though the rate of a particular person’s profits may be very high, the sum or amount of them can never be very great, nor consequently that of his annual accumulation. (possibility & usual inability)
- In great towns, on the contrary, trade can be extended as stock increases, and the credit of a frugal and thriving man increases much faster than his stock. (The Wealth of nations, p. 131) (usual ability)
- In order, however, that this equality may take place in the whole of their advantages or disadvantages, three things are requisite even where there is the most perfect freedom.
- She must be almost at breaking point and seeing me might do her more harm than good.
- This system imbued ordinary Japanese with what may well have become the highest quality standards in the world.
- Einstein himself was well aware that proof would not be easy. (p. 257)
- For these reasons, of for no other, it is worth considering the pros and cons of what must for Einstein have been a difficult situation. (p.217)
- terhadap tingkat niat atau keinginan untuk berbuat atau tidak berbuat sesuatu
- She won’t love you. (penolakan saat ini yang sangat kuat)
- She can’t love you. (penolakan saat ini karena ada alasan khusus)
- She couldn’t love you. (penolakan saat ini karena kemungkinan akan ada kesalahan, atau tidak dimungkinkan oleh keadaan)
- She wouldn’t love you. (penolakan di masa lampau)
- Benda dan binatang juga bisa dianggap menunjukkan hal-hal yang sama.
- The tape won’t adhere to the wall.
- The tape can’t adhere to the wall.
- The tape couldn’t adhere to the wall.
- The tape wouldn’t adhere to the wall yesterday.
- The bird won’t fly.
- The bird can’t fly.
- The bird couldn’t fly.
- The bird wouldn’t fly this morning.
- The car won’t start.
- The car can’t start.
- The car couldn’t start.
- The car wouldn’t start this morning.
- Beda antara will dan would
- Will dipakai untuk menunjukkan kejadian masa depan yang biasa.
- Will + bare infinitive dapat dipakai untuk mengungkapkan kebiasaan/sifat ketika kita ingin menekankan sifat si pelaku bukan tindakan si pelaku,
He will usually help others whenever he can.
- Would adalah bentuk lampau will ketika will dipakai untuk menunjukkan niat atau kejadian masa depan yang biasa; would berada di dalam kalimat anak, sebagai reported speech atau bagian dari conditional statement.
Namun, wouldn’t dapat berdiri sendiri untuk menunjukkan niat negatif (penolakan) di masa lampau.
- The manager wouldn’t come yesterday. (Manajer itu menolak datang kemarin)
- The country wouldn’t import rice last year.
Sebaliknya, would sebagai bentuk lampau will tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.
The manager would come yesterday. (salah)
The country would import rice last year. (salah)
Karena itu, kata would sebaiknay digantikan dengan wanted/intended/offered to sehingga menjadi:
- The manager wanted/intended/offered to come yesterday.
- The country wanted/intended/offered to import rice last year.
- Selain itu, would dapat menunjukkan tindakan sifat/kebiasaan/ciri seseorang saat ini yang menjengkelkan penuturnya; biasanya sebagai bagian dari komentar.
- Tim is angry.
He ‘would!, atau He ‘would be angry!
(penutur jengkel; Tim selalu marah)
- A cup of coffee in this cafe costs a lot of money.
It ‘would!, atau It ‘would cost a lot of money!
(penutur jengkel)
13.2.1 would like mau, ingin
(i) I would like to thank you so much for your help. berharap
(i) People would like to think that the food found in cities is more delicious than those in villages.
(ii) In the same way people would like to think that sensual pleasures are the greatest pleasures.
- terhadap orang lain
Modals dipakai untuk menimbulkan dampak atau hasil psikologis atau mental tertentu pada lawan bicara. Pemilihan modals bergantung pada sejumlah faktor, misalnya hubungan antara penutur dan lawan bicaranya, apakah keadaannya formal atau informal, dan penting tidaknya perkataan si penutur.
- Sit down. (kepada seorang anak atau teman dekat; tetapi, kasar terhadap orang yang belum dikenal)
Will you sit down? (cukup sopan)
Would you sit down? (sopan)
Could you sit down? (sangat sopan)
- ijin atau permohonan
- You can go there now. (usual/common permission)
(ii) You could go there now. (polite permission)
(iii) Can I come in now? (usual request)
(iv) Could I come in now? (polite request)
- must
- You must go now. (keharusan)
- He must be tired now. (sangat mungkin)
- Shall, should (untuk will dan would, lihat
Perbedaan antara tense, question dan modal auxiliary statement (atau modal statement)
Simple Future Tense, Future Perfect Tense? | Question | Modal Statement yang menunjukkan perintah, permintaan, undangan, atau nasihat |
He will come in. Dia akan masuk. | Will he come in? Akankah dia masuk? | (i) Will you come in? Masuk (permintaan atau perintah, yang bergantung pada nadanya). Sopan: Will you come in, please? Masuklah (perintah yang sopan), atau silakan masuk (undangan). Formal: Will you please come in? Masuklah, atau silakan masuk. |
2. He will give me a favour | Will he give you a favour? | Will you give me a favour? Bantu saya. Will you give me a favour, please? Formal: Will you please give me a favour? |
I will work here with him. | Will you work here with him? | You will work here with him. Anda kerja di sini dengan dia (perintah). |
I will go there tonight. | Will you go there tonight? Akankah anda pergi ke sana malam ini? | |
I will go there now. Will you go there now? (rencana/niat) Berencanakah/berniatkah anda pergi ke sana sekarang? | ||
I/we/he/she/they will go there tonight. | Will you/we/he/she/they go there tonight? | |
I/we shall go now/tomorrow. Saya/kami harus pergi sekarang/besok. Shall I/we go now/tomorrow? (peraturan) | ||
He/she shall go now/tomorrow. Shall he/she go now/tomorrow? | ||
Reported speech: I/we said that I/we would/should go there now. Saya/kami berkata bahwa saya/kami akan pergi ke sana sekarang | I/we asked,”Shall/will I/we go there now?” | Nasihat/anjuran: I/we said that I/we should go there now. Saya/kami berkata bahwa saya/kami sebaiknya pergi sekarang (ii) I/we said that we go* there now (formal British English, tetapi common American English). Catatan: * go menjadi subjunctive mood, yaitu mood yang menggambarkan suatu tindakan atau keadaan (tidak sebagai fakta tetapi) sebagai kalau-kalau atau kemungkinan. Lihat 2.2.6 & 2.3) b.Janji, perkiraan, harapan, atau pertanyaan tentang hari kemudian: I/we said that I/we would go there now. Catatan: “would” tidak bisa dihilangkan. |
Contoh-contoh yang lain:
- He may come now. (polite permission)
- He might come now. (very formal possibility)
- May I come in now? (polite request)
- Might I come in now? (very polite request)
- You must follow our rules. (strong command)
- You ought to follow our rules. (obligation)
- You shall go now. (formal command)
- Shall I go now? (rule)
- Will you go there now? (plan/intention)
- Will you come in? (invitation)
- You will work here with him. (command)
- I shouldn’t do that. (regret)
Contoh-contoh yang lain:
- We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write.
- They can tell us something about people’s migrations.
- None could write down what they did.
- There are some parts of the world where people even now people cannot write.
- They may also have used wood and skins.
- The only way by which they can preserve their history is by recounting it as sagas—legends which have been handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another.
- Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends?
- Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the word if it were not been for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.
- Spiders are not insects. One can tell the difference almost at a glance for a spider always has eight legs and insects never more than six.
should dipakai untuk mengungkapkan anjuran, nasihat atau penyesalan
- His tenure was a disaster from Day One and he should have quit immediately.
- The “negative list” approach to foreign investment should be expanded to the whole country as soon as possible.
- Laws, rules and policies out of tune with the oeravll direction and principle of opening-up should be abolished or revised within a time limit.
1.5 Tidak boleh ada dua buah modal auxiliary yang letaknya berturut-turut.
Modal auxiliary yang kedua harus diganti:
Can > (to) be able to
May > (to) be permitted to
Must > have to, has to; had to
- He will be able to speak fluent English next year.
- Nobody will be able to do it alone.
- Who must be able to translate this book next month?
- Who has to be able to translate it next month?
- When will we be permitted to come into the room?
- The warriors will have to go now.
- Must all of us be able to compete against the Japanese in the next five years?
- Will the interns be able to help us in our work next month?
- Will you have to be able to apply your knowledge by next month?
- Which of you must be able to do the assignment tomorrow evening?
Exercises: Is there any modal auxiliary in each of the following questions?
- Will they have learned a lot of important lessons from Zen Buddhism in the next three years?
- Was there any spiritual element in all the Japanese achievement?
- Would there be greater achievement if the role of spirit were greater?
- What arose in the 11th and 12th centuries to become the great advocates of Zen Buddhism?
- Why did the samurai warrior class become the advocates?
- What taught the Japanese an austere life-style to achieve national greatness?
- What did the samurai’s lives depend on?
- Whose lives depended on extraordinary skill in the martial arts?
- How many percent of the population did the samurai make up?
- Who also imbued Japanese culture with a strong martial nature?
- Which rules were taught to apply to learning these arts?
- What conditioned the Japanese to do things in a precise order and to abhor weakness or failure of any kind?
- What are taught as guidelines for success in business?
- Who explains the secret to achieving success in kendo?
- Who will be the headmaster of the new kendo school?
- When will you explain this secret to the headmaster?
- How many exercises must be repeated?
- Can you empty your mind of any other matters so that you can control it?
- Who must open the mind fully in order to perceive completely and accurately whatever situation is at hand?
- What one must nurture in order to perceive reality and to be able to read an opponent’s intentions?
- When will you apply your ingenuity to your translation study?
Sejarah Singkat Teori dan Praktik Penerjemahan di China
Apa sih beda antara penerjemah dan juru bahasa?
Berapa susah sih untuk menjadi Penerjemah Tersumpah?
Peran Penting Penerjemah dan Juru Bahasa Profesional
Bagi individu, masyarakat, bangsa dan dunia, penerjemah dan juru hahasa profesional adalah:
- Pencerah
- Pemersatu
- Pengesah
- Andalan
- Pembantu penyelesaian masalah jika ada
- Pendamai jika ada pertentangan
- Pemberi ilham
- Dll.
Catatan: Penyunting juga berperan yang serupa dan bahkan harus lebih berkualitas daripada penerjemah
Penerjemah profesional, antara lain, tidak boleh:
- Membuang satu kata dan arti pun yang ada di naskah aslinya (bahasa sumbernya);
- Menerjemahkan kata, ungkapan dan kalimat dengan cara spekulasi;
- Menerjemahkan kata, ungkapan atau perkataan yang tidak dia benar-benar pahami konteksnya atau maksudnya;
- Mengarang-ngarang arti sebuah kata atau ungkapan yang sulit;
- Menambahkan atau mengurangi arti sebuah kata, ungkapan atau kalimat pada bahasa sasarannya (terjemahannya);
- Menyatakan dirinya sebagai penerjemah sebuah naskah atau buku hasil terjemahannya jika naskah atau buku tersebut tidak sesuai dengan ide atau maksud penulis naskah aslinya.
Untuk lebih jelas, silakan lihat artikel tentang Prasyarat dan ciri-ciri penerjemah profesional